Russian Hacker - перевод на английский

Аватар пользователя Tinkle Bell

Democrates in USA
Lalety lost elections.
They don’t feel right now OK,
Clinton has objections.
Half-a-country’s almost mad:
Pinky-panties meetings.
Trump’s elected by Red Necks.
Who was really cheating?

Russian hacker’s very busy person
Russian hacker’s phishing and immersing.
If there is a problem anywhere in the world
Then the Russian hacker was surely involved.

Francois Hollande in France’s
In the state of churning.
Country’s dirty, budget's zero
And Paris is burning.
Extra-rights're ahead of all,
Practically winning,
But we know that that’s a fault…
Just continue singing:

Russian hacker’s very busy person
Russian hacker’s phishing and immersing.
If there is a problem anywhere in the world
Then the Russian hacker was surely involved.

In the England simple mob
Just selected Brexit.
But UK elites won’t stop:
Is it really legit?
So, “to be or not to be” -
This is British question.
Whose fault it might to be?
Make a pointing gesture:

Russian hacker’s very busy person
Russian hacker’s phishing and immersing.
If there is a problem anywhere in the world
Then the Russian hacker was surely involved.


Frau Merkel wants to stay
Chancellor Almighty,
But her ratings every day
Diminishing slightly.
How can she find the one
Having guilty seeming?
That can easily be done!
Do you need a grinning?...

Russian hacker’s very busy person
Russian hacker’s phishing and immersing.
If there is a problem anywhere in the world
Then the Russian hacker was surely involved.

Everywhere he's involved,
Mighty Russian hacker.
In no time he’s evolved
In Liable Attacker.
If you have not really guessed
What ‘re you gonna study
Russian hacker is the best
Job for anybody!

Russian hacker’s very busy person
Russian hacker’s phishing and immersing.
If there is a problem anywhere in the world
Then the Russian hacker was surely involved.


Авторская работа / переводика


Аватар пользователя sporadic_one
sporadic_one(9 лет 4 месяца)

Я так понимаю, это на мелодию "Йожин-с-Бажин"?

Аватар пользователя Tinkle Bell
Tinkle Bell(7 лет 5 месяцев)

Ага. Она там, внизу. 
И, вообще, это - перевод.


Аватар пользователя dimashi
dimashi(11 лет 2 месяца)

Мяу... С 8 Вас..

Аватар пользователя Tinkle Bell
Tinkle Bell(7 лет 5 месяцев)

Спасибо! heart

Аватар пользователя Читаювсё
Читаювсё(12 лет 6 месяцев)

Много лет назад мы с другом переводили на

  1. Английский
  2. Немецкий
  3. Украинский

​Постой паровоз, не стучите колеса


Аватар пользователя Tinkle Bell
Tinkle Bell(7 лет 5 месяцев)

Молодцы! yes
Я на французский переводила одно наше непечатное четверостишие.
А это - перевод себя, поэтому, наверное, легче.

Аватар пользователя dimashi
dimashi(11 лет 2 месяца)

На немецком, полагаю, забавней всего звучало...бггг

Аватар пользователя Tinkle Bell
Tinkle Bell(7 лет 5 месяцев)

Ну, вот, теперь и в видеоформате...

Аватар пользователя Tinkle Bell
Tinkle Bell(7 лет 5 месяцев)

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