Блог пользователя atnest

China Surpasses US To Become Richest Nation In World: Report или Китай обогнал США и стал самой богатой страной в мире

Аватар пользователя atnest

16 ноября 2021.

 A recent report by the research wing of the consulting firm McKinsey & Co. stated that China has topped the list of richest nations worldwide while global wealth has increased three times over the last two decades. 

The study stated that net worth worldwide has risen to $514 trillion in 2020 from $156 trillion in 2000. Out of this increase, China accounted for almost one-third of it. The country’s net worth ascended to $120 trillion in 2000 from $7 trillion in 2000.  (may be mistake must be 2020) ...


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"Ingenuity was not controlled by engineers on Earth during its attempt. Instead, commands were uploaded to the spacecraft that took it from preflight checks to powered flight in a matter of seconds. The rotor blades spun up to 2,537 rpm, about six times faster than an Earth-based craft. Six seconds after startup, Ingenuity's blades were able to generate lift by slicing through the tenuous atmosphere on the red planet."

Хроники Апокалипсиса...(это НАША жизнь, увы)

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